Wellness Ohm
Wellness Ohm Project Type Brand Identity Redesign, Website Redesign & Social Media Design Tools Used Illustrator, Photoshop, Wix Year 2023 Wellness Ohm is the personal brand of Catherine Domi, massage therapist, sound therapist and yoga instructor. Catherine wanted a look for her brand that reflected her organic, earthy nature.
Yoga Home

I met Sophie when I saw one of her flyers in the supermarket and signed up to take her yoga class. I was instantly a fan of her dynamic pedagogic approach and her sunny surfer girl style. At the time Sophie’s branding for her company Yoga Home was basic at best.
Sophie Greiller, Yoga Home

“Anita m’a accompagné dans la création de mon identité visuelle pour mon école de Yoga.
De la création du logo au site internet, en passant par la carte de visite, elle a su, à chaque étape être à l’écoute de mes besoins.
Je suis pleinement satisfaite du travail réalisé, je vous recommande vivement de collaborer avec elle.
Encore mille fois merci Anita.”
Catherine Domi, Wellness Ohm

“Bonjour Anita,
Je tiens à te remercier pour le travail que tu as réalisé sur mon site internet.Tu es professionnelle et tu as su tout de suite comprendre mes besoins.
Encore Merci!”
5 Essentials for a Successful HOME PAGE

5 Essentials for a Successful Home Page The home page is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of your website, but surprisingly it can be often overlooked. After all it’s important to keep in mind the your home page is the FIRST think that visitors will see and first impressions count! That’s why I […]